Purbeck U3A Intermediate Computing Group

Presentation Software and Methods

Our October 2011 meeting (held a week later than usual on 2nd Nov) consisted of talks (by John Hale and John Dubery) on computer based presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and the similar Open Office Impress, on which the demonstration was based. After the break, John Hale introduced web-based presentations by Prezi.

Prezi Presentations

Members were given a demonstration and encouraged to design their own single page Prezi at home. Our meeting on 23rd Nov will explore these.

How to start ...

To go to the Prezi Home Page: Click Here

Click "Log In" (top right).

When an email address is requested type: u3a@greenacre.info

When a password is requested, type the Sandford Broadband access number. You have been given that at the last meeting. It cannot be geven here for security reasons so, if you didn't note it down, you may email me at u3a@greenacre.info for it. Note this is for Members of IC ONLY.

Click "Log In" (bottom right).

Click "New Prezi" (top left).

A panel will appear:
Title: (Please put your name or initials here) and
Description (Place a bit about your Prezi here).
Then click "New Prezi" ... and, after a moment to load, you will be offered a blank page on which to place your design.


When you have finished, click "Save" at the top (Prezi auto-saves every few minutes too)

Finally IT IS IMPORTANT TO SIGN OUT by going to the top right and clicking the \/ next to the "IC Purbeck" account name and selecting "LOG OUT".

Nigel Tennant informs us that:

If anyone wants to know how to copy a Prezi from their own account to the "IC Purbeck" account it can be done as follows:
Log on to the "IC Purbeck" account, use the search box in the top right corner and type in the name of the Prezi in your own account. The name must be very unusual otherwise you get hundreds - on my test I used "qqqazzzazzz" as the name!! The Prezi comes up in the 'Explore' tab. Double click it and it opens. Click the 'Make a copy' button on the left side and a copy is made and put in the "IC Purbeck" account. Voila!
Just a note of warning the saved prezi in your own account needs to be there a few minutes before the search finds it, presumably some sort of indexing housekeeping goes on at the prezi server.

Thanks to Nigel for this.

(JH - 2011-11-03)